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Welcome to our Design Studio: Design your own gift set with our beautiful, functional canvas pom pom baskets.

1) Choose your basket

Choose a basket you like and add it to the shopping bag. We offer 2 sizes: the medium basket can include 5 products and the large one can include 7 products. We have pink, aqua and yellow pom pom options.

2) Add your products

Shop on our website and add up to 5 products or 7 products (depending on the size of the basket you choose) into the shopping bag.

3) Sit back & relax! We'll take care of the rest

We will pack it beautifully and finish it off with a bow. In the checkout process, you can select your order as a gift, and add a complimentary greeting card too if you'd like.

Here are some gift sets we created to get your creative juices flowing! Want to see more? Click here

Now you’re ready, let’s go wow them!
Need help? Contact us at, and we would be happy to help you create your gift set. Please note packaging may differ based on size of products included. Please make a separate order for each gift basket.